QLD Candidate Expression Of Interest
We are taking expressions of Interests for the upcoming elections:
- Local Government Election – March 2028
- State Election – October 2024
- Federal Election – Anytime (2024 – 2025)
This is a massive opportunity for all libertarians and liberty-minded Australians to throw their hat in the ring and run as a Libertarian candidate, representing our values of liberty, free markets and property rights.
The Queensland Libertarian Party seeks expressions of interest to run as a candidate. If you have ever wanted to get elected to government, now is the time to take that leap and submit your expression of interest. With a line up of proud libertarian candidates, we can offer a principled alternative to the major parties and help counter the Green’s growing destructive movement.
To submit an expression of interest, simply fill in the form on this page and check all the boxes for the elections and type of candidate you would consider. Please note: Only the best applicants will be considered for endorsement to #1 spot on our Federal Election Senate ticket.
Once submitted, the QLD Campaign Committee will discuss and progress your application further. The application process includes multiple steps, like submitting a formal application form, candidate interview and other essential checks. You will be guided through every step of this process and provided with all the essential documents.